Sensory Testing
Aligning sensory, microbial, and chemical results will strengthen your products’ shelf life, by providing both a human (sensory) and analytical perspective. AFL monitors and graphs the performance of your product and see how your product sensory correlates with microbial and chemical results.
- Difference and Triangle Testing
- Descriptive Attributes (crumb, bite, chew, residual)
- Preference and Like-ability Testing
- Bench Top Formulation Comparisons and Like-ability
- Consumer Preference Testing
- Shelf-life Correlations (Like-ability, Preference, and Descriptive attributes over time)
How sensory works to deliver
The sensory details and microbiology results work together to strengthen your product’s shelf life. AFL monitors and graphs the performance of your product and see how your product sensory aligns with Microbial counts.
How about sensory?
How do you know which option is the right one for you?
AFL can help you decide which test is right for you be determining the sensory objective. Are the products different, the same, do you want to know how a product performs over time, against a competitor, is there a particular attribute that you are needing to change or observe, or do you simply want know how your product is liked or preferred.
- Triangle Testing
- Preference Testing
- Product Development
- Product Formulations
- Descriptive Analysis
- Benchmarking
- Consumer Preference